Work. Life. Balanced.

Inside Binary & Co’s Remote and Flexible Working Philosophy

While the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the move toward remote working and flexible hours, Binary & Co has always been a remote-first company. 

We realized early on that we didn’t want to be limited by geographical boundaries, both in terms of finding the best clients and sourcing the most creative and innovative staff. Being remote-first has broadened our horizons, allowing us to connect with a rich and diverse talent pool and fuelling our mission to deliver exceptional service to our clients.

Flexibility for staff is one of the cornerstones of our philosophy as a business when it comes to work-life balance. We believe that work shouldn’t consume life. Instead, it should seamlessly integrate with it. Our flexible working arrangements allow staff to choose their work hours within reason. We have no expectation for them to sacrifice their personal life for work, and encourage growth and harmony between personal life and work.

The beauty of flexible work hours is its ability to attract a diverse workforce. It opens the door for individuals like parents who seek meaningful employment while nurturing their children. In fact, out of the four members of Binary & Co, three are parents, including the owner, underlining our commitment to this flexibility.

Simon, our owner, shares his experience:

“I realized the value of flexibility with two huge changes in my life. In 2014, I became a father and faced some serious health issues in 2015. Despite these changes, my passion for my work remained the same; I just couldn’t fit into the traditional 9 – 5 / 5 days a week work structure. That’s when I decided to start Binary & Co. The aim was to create a flexible workplace, where people could choose not only where they work but how much time they wanted to commit to us.”



Our team member, Rose, emphasizes how this flexibility supports her life:

“The ultimate work/life balance is what I’ve found at Binary & Co,” she says. “I can spend time with my family and attend major events with the flexibility of scheduling meetings that work best for me. I also appreciate the lack of hierarchy, which fosters interconnectivity within our team.”




Another team member, Ralph, has mobility issues. He has found remote work to be a game-changer.

Ralph Reed

“Remote work allows me to be my most productive without the physical obstacles of a commute,” he says. “It also has greatly improved my work-life balance as I can mold my work schedule around my life in a way that makes sense. For me, there is no going back.”

At Binary & Co, we cherish the diverse talent we attract through our remote-first, flexible approach. Our team’s strength and innovation lie in this diversity and flexibility, allowing us to deliver exceptional results while promoting work-life balance. Looking ahead, we aim to continue to innovate, expand, and redefine our practices to ensure they align with the evolving needs of our team, and our commitment to quality. 

Our commitment to remote and flexible working practices isn’t just a business decision, but a fundamental belief that work should be a part of life, not an obstacle to living. 

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